Registration & Waiting List

Individual Veteran Services Registration

This notice pertains to the Warriors Remembrance Foundation waiting list for veteran grave site/marker cleaning services, new grave marker request, financial aid for veterans burial cost, and request for assistance with Veteran Affairs burial and death benefits. The Warriors Remembrance Foundation, herein referred to as "the Foundation," currently operates solely within the State of Texas. However, interested parties are encouraged to sign up, as the Organization is actively seeking partnerships and aims to expand its services as budgetary constraints allow.

The Foundation undertakes various cemetery-wide projects annually. Prospective grave site/marker cleaning applicants are advised to ascertain whether their veteran's resting place falls within the purview of any ongoing or upcoming projects, as such sites are likely to be addressed through these initiatives. Detailed information regarding ongoing projects can be accessed through the "Projects" tab located above.

It is imperative to note that all veteran information provided is subject to validation by the Foundation. In the event that validation proves challenging, the applicant will be contacted to furnish evidence substantiating the veteran's service record.

The Foundation operates with limited resources and relies predominantly on charitable contributions. As such, the capacity to fund these services is contingent upon the level of donations received. While participation on any of the Foundations’ waitlist does not necessitate a donation, it is crucial to acknowledge that the waitlist timeframe is directly influenced by the Foundation’s budgetary constraints, primarily sourced from individual donors.

To register for the waitlist, kindly complete the form provided below. Upon selection of a veteran or veterans family for inclusion to the Foundations master project list, the applicant will be notified to complete requisite paperwork authorizing the Foundation to proceed on their behalf.

For requests pertaining to new grave markers, medallions, or replacements thereof, please ensure completion of both the Section I and II. We recognize that you may not have all the necessary information readily available; however, any details you can provide will greatly assist us in processing your request with the Department of Veterans Affairs. For all other inquiries not related to veteran grave markers, kindly fill out Section I Only.

WRF Form 1917-A

Cemetery Projects

Applications may be submitted by any interested party, not limited to cemetery proprietors or administrators; however, it is strongly encouraged that the applicant provide a designated point of contact associated with the cemetery. While we prioritize submissions from cemetery owners or administrators, prospective applicants are urged to liaise with them to facilitate the submission process. In the event direct coordination is unattainable or contact information is unavailable, applicants are welcome to submit their proposals directly, and every effort will be made to establish communication with the relevant cemetery representatives.

In the "REQUEST" section of the application, please articulate the rationale behind considering the cemetery as a suitable candidate for a Foundation project. It is imperative that consent be obtained from the cemetery owner(s) or administrators to authorize the Foundation's involvement in any proposed projects on their premises. In the event of denial, the applicant will be promptly notified of the decision.

All cemetery projects necessitate a minimum of 25 veterans interred within the premises. Should the cemetery fall short of this prerequisite, applicants are required to complete and submit Form WRF 1917-A, as referenced above. While the upper limit for project scope is set at 75 veterans, cemeteries exceeding this threshold may submit additional applications in subsequent years. All submissions undergo rigorous review by the WRF Board of Directors, and cemeteries must consent to the terms of service before formal acknowledgment as a Foundation project is conferred.

Projects are processed on a first-come, first-served basis, with qualified applicants automatically placed on a waiting list until project commencement becomes feasible. Failure to execute the terms of service agreement or voluntary withdrawal from the project waiting list by any cemetery will prompt the next eligible cemetery to be prioritized for consideration.

WRF Cemetery Project Application