Donation Disclaimer for Donors

We appreciate your interest in supporting the Warriors Remembrance Foundation's mission to honor veterans and their families. Due to legal requirements governing charitable solicitation, we are only authorized to solicit donations from residents of certain states.

As a nonprofit organization, we are committed to complying with all applicable laws and regulations. Many states require nonprofit organizations to register with state authorities before soliciting donations from their residents. Failure to comply with these registration requirements can result in legal consequences and penalties for our organization.

To ensure compliance with the law and maintain transparency and accountability in our fundraising efforts, we have implemented this disclaimer. Specifically, our website seeks donations from residents of Texas, Delaware, Idaho, Indiana, Iowa, Montana, Nebraska, South Dakota, and Wyoming, where we are authorized to solicit donations.

Donors outside these states who wish to donate to our cause acknowledge our solicitation policy and affirm that they were not contacted by Warriors Remembrance Foundation staff. These donations are made solely in response to the donor's awareness of our nonprofit status through social media, news articles, or this website. We understand that this disclaimer can be confusing, but it is necessary to protect our organization from legal risks. We are exploring options to expand our solicitation efforts to additional states in the future, but for now, we must adhere to the current legal requirements.

Thank you for your understanding and continued support of the Warriors Remembrance Foundation. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us at